Project Description

The Pence/Kelly PDX-QTA project for Hoffman Construction Company and owner, Port of Portland completed in 15 months of construction. This two-level parking structure sits adjacent to PDX P-2 Parking Garage. QTA stands for Quick Turn Around. Rental cars are returned on the ground level then go through an expedited process of cleaning and refueling before arriving on the top level where they remain parked until rented again.

Project Engineers includes both Zac Grasley and Brad Hays. Zach Grasley and Nat Taylor were the Project Managers while Whitey, John Stewart, Steve Taylor, Troy Humphreys, and Frank Barnes all served as project Superintendents. This was Pence/Kelly’s first BIM coordinated (Business Information Modeling) project–a three month plan and design modeling process that preceded construction.

The 315,420 square foot structure was built on 150-foot piles with pile caps and a structural parameter grade beam. Cast in place concrete walls and columns were used to support the precast double-T structure. A four-inch structural slab was placed over the double-Ts, then waterproofed, before a two and a half inch fiber reinforced topping slab was applied. Over 12,000 cubic yards of concrete were poured on this project.